
Chapter 243 - Crematorium

The flames released from the mighty fist traced a centrifugal trajectory, slamming violently against the walls of the cave and burning everything in their path. The moss and small shrubs that over the years had taken possession of the natural cavity were swept away and the rocky walls were \'purified\' of everything that had contaminated them.

The tinkling sound of the carnivorous plant was suddenly interrupted and the small branches on its back disintegrated, turning to ash and floating towards the holes in the ceiling. 

At the same time, fire enveloped the entire body of the enemy demon, whose dwelling had become a crematory oven. Thanks to the small volume of air in the cave, Kenji\'s power had used the carbon dioxide emitted by the plants to unleash its true potential and increase its heat energy. 

Digging through the muddy shrubs of the demonic carapace, Yoichi\'s arm touched a harder, more stable body. By harnessing the kinetic energy of the jump and the piercing power of the flames, the young tamer had managed to break through the enemy\'s outer armor and hit its true body. 

"Weeaakkk!" - an excruciating cry came from the depths of the slime as the roots of its arms were consumed from their tip to the base and what looked like its mouth was dissolved in its own acidic bile.

What until a few moments before was a wild and ravenous demon was now reduced to a pile of ashes. Along with it, the orchids outside the cave had also been burned by the draconic flame. The dragonflies and other insects that loved to hang out in that part of the swamp would never have to fear them again. 

As the flames from Yoichi\'s arm dissipated, the light from the last sparks of the attack joined that coming from the torch still hanging on the wall. There was no trace of the carnivorous plant. 

The only thing that remained of it was a pile of scorched shrubs on the floor, surrounded by a blackish ashen halo like that of a wind-dampened bonfire. 

Kenji and Yoichi\'s bodies, obviously immune to the draconic flame, emerged intact from that destructive event. Catching his breath and relaxing the muscles beneath the black scales of his arms, Yoichi shook his head and straightened his back, stretching the bones of his neck.

"Uh! That was good, buddy!" he rejoiced, looking at his Oracle and smiling as if what he had just done was a cinch. "The cave has been cleansed of its previous occupant and we can finally spend a few hours in the dry," he added.

Despite the din of the explosion and the strong light of the flames that had briefly escaped from the cave\'s entrance and the fractured rocks, Yoichi sensed no danger approaching him and his four-legged friend. 

The demons that inhabited the swamp might indeed be attracted to all sorts of light sources, but they weren\'t stupid enough to approach the cave after sensing the ancient power of the mysterious blond-haired traveler. 

Kenji stopped growling and deactivated its power, relaxing the scales on its back and extinguishing the primordial flame that flowed to the tip of its tail. Along with it, the one on Yoichi\'s arms vanished as well, returning them to their original form without so much as a scratch.

Although I had no intention of taming that demon, I would have liked to know what species it was. Enatsu would have known that for sure. I miss him more than anyone else, Yoichi thought wistfully. 

The cave was a little over five meters long, which was the same distance between the floor and the ceiling. Although it had been karstified over many years and had been passively shaped by rainwater and other precipitation, it had a fairly regular, almost cubic internal shape. 

The only entrance and exit was the large hole from which Yoichi and his Oracle had tiptoed in. This detail would have provided the young tamer with some security if he wanted to spend the rest of the night in that enclosed place.

Relaxing his back muscles and bringing his elbows to the back of his head to stretch his upper joints, Yoichi pulled the flashlight from the recess in the wall and carried it with him into the deepest spot of the cave. He immediately sat down on the ground not far from the charred remains of the carnivorous plant.

The strange demon, not having come into contact with any Demon Tooth, kept on disintegrating, gradually disappearing into thin air. The little dragon positioned itself next to its master, asking for food with its gaze.

Fortunately, the far-sighted Takamori had stuffed Ichiro\'s saddlebags with the necessary provisions for the outward journey, enclosing some dried meat, some mushrooms, some fruit, and three balls of uncooked rice in rag bags. Figuring he would need those supplies shortly after his departure, Yoichi carefully stuffed them into his backpack. 

It was late at night, and Yoichi had been under considerable physical stress, forced to leave the comforts and civilization of the capital and enter unknown territory alone. Despite this, the Nightblades warrior\'s perennial appetite was far less than usual. 

In his mind, he couldn\'t think of anything but the Tear of Therion, trying to imagine before his eyes the first dragon he would have to face. 

The Guardians of the Whole were not dragon demons like any other. They were the most trusted soldiers of the heavens and answered only to the orders of the supreme Therion, King of their ancestral lineage. 

Had the last two days of training been enough to fill in his fighting style gaps and make him ready to face an opponent of that caliber? 

In search of an answer to that question, Yoichi did not eat, merely feeding his Oracle and closing his eyes. Remembering Ryutaro\'s words about meditating without a straw mat or incense, he assumed the lotus flower position, gently resting his hands on his knees. 

Eyes closed and palms open, facing the ceiling of the cave. The almost imperceptible noises of that wild and uncontaminated place accompanied his mind in the process of meditation, allowing him to immerse himself in the deepest areas of his soul.

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