
Chapter 180 180: Eleventh Floor

The Eleventh Floor was something that Azekiel had never seen or heard about, even in his last life. They all knew that the element Floor existed, but none of them knew before what it was like or what was going to be there.

By the time Azekiel had died in the last timeline, even the Kings who were in the lead had only been on the tenth floor at most. They hadn\'t managed to get to the eleventh Floor, so even they didn\'t know what the eleventh floor was like, let alone Azekiel.

It was only when Azekiel was at the door of death that he was informed that the tenth floor was cleared.

He didn\'t know in the past about the eleventh floor, but it looked like he knew some things about it now. That\'s why he was able to describe the eleventh floor to Raphael to some extent, addressing it as the place where the real tower of Sin began.

Through the portal on the eleventh floor, Azekiel stepped out. Raphael and Lia came out of the portal after him.

Arriving on the Eleventh Floor, Raphael and Lia looked around in amazement. The Floor, it was definitely quite different from the other floors they had seen. Affording to Azekiel, the two of them had seen this floor before as well, but none of them remembered anything about this floor.

That didn\'t take anything away from the fascination of this Floor.

All of them seemed to be inside a hall. There were multiple portals in the hall, all leading to this place from someplace, as for where it was unclear.

The Portal that had brought them here disappeared, but the other portals remained intact as if they weren\'t temporary.

"Where do these portals lead?" Raphael asked Azekiel.

It was certainly that those portals weren\'t special portals that were awarded at the completion of a mission since the one provided to them was closed after being used once, but those ones were still intact.

Azekiel glances back, smiling wryly. "I\'m sure you know what they are. You\'ve seen them quite a lot of times before."

"I don\'t remember my past life, so I don\'t know," Raphael responded, gazing at multiple portals.

"I didn\'t mean you remember them from your life before death. You\'ve seen those portals many times, even in this time," Azekiel clarified. "They are the portals that connect a Floor to the lower floor. When we arrived at the second floor, there was a similar portal we went through which connected the first and second Floor."

"Even then, there should be over two portals. One portal which connects to the immediate lower floor and one that leads to the next floor after a mission has been completed. But there are more than two... Way more..."

"Of course, there are way more. There are many tenth Floors as well." Azekiel answered. He spread his arms, gazing at the sky.  "I told you before that the Tower of Sins exists in multiple spaces and multiple times simultaneously. Each of those worlds and those Timelines have a Tower in them. All those towers are different yet the same."

"Each of those towers has a first to tenth Floors which is used to help the Kings selected from those worlds be stronger. Just so kings from different worlds don\'t create obstruction in others, the first to tenth Floors of each tower are in different space and time, despite being the same challenges."

"You mean all those different spaces and time lead here? So it\'s the place where all the Kings can come together?" Raphael asked, getting some idea.

"That would be accurate. That\'s why I said the eleventh floor is where the real tower starts from. If the first ten Floors were a glimpse of what was to come, the Eleventh Floor is the real start."

"The strongest Kings from each world that managed to survive the first ten Floors will be here. Moreover, even though there is no sense of time and space in the Tower, I think the tower still is quite fair for all."

"Is it?" Lia asked, realizing something. "If we entered the tower in the future, and we were killed, that means the ones who killed us must be on Higher Floors. And they would possibly be kings as well. Is it really fair when Kings with that strength and at that level exist in the tower? If they come before you and want to kill you, what\'s going to stop them?"

"Moreover, why would other Kings let you succeed? Why won\'t they feel threatened by you?" she further stated.

Azekiel could only smile in response. "You\'re quite right about that. There are kings who are way stronger than us, but I don\'t think they are the real threat to us. Why do you think no King has ever managed to clear the entire tower before? Why are they still trying, despite getting higher than you?"

"Why?" Lia frowned.

"Because even the Kings aren\'t strong enough to get there. They need more help, but they don\'t want help from Kings of their own world. From one world, there can be only one King who can reach there. That\'s why all the Kings try to kill their opponents."

"For them, it doesn\'t matter if a King from another Timeline also managed to get to them since that\'s only better for them. The Kings need all the support they need, and only other Kings from other Timelines can help them."

"The Kings are strong, but the Tower... It\'s in a different league, even for them. That\'s why I doubt they will create an obstruction for us. At best, they\'ll let nature take its course. Though there is one possibility," Azekiel scratched the back of his head, thinking of a possibility.

"What possibility?"

"You two are in your Spiritual Forms, but you were still Kings once upon a time. The Tower should have some ways to bring Spirits back to life, and when you do, you might get your Sin Systems as well, belonging to your worlds that you possessed before."

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