
Chapter 209 209: A familiar face - part 1

“Aurora, maybe you should not wish for such things. Who knows when they might come true.”

It took a few seconds for Aurora to release that Rita was not joking around with her. Her tone was entirely severe and she was also looking toward a familiar figure in the distance.

As soon as Aurora turned her head, her eyes met the familiar pair, and Aurora panicked.

She snatched Rita’s hand and dragged her away from the place. She knew she needed to get out of there or they would be found out much sooner than Aurora had anticipated being found.

“Aurora, is everything alright? I know seeing Lady Mei here is spooky but you need to relax. You’ll start making mistakes if you are this distracted.”

Aurora forced her brain to stop overthinking. She knew Rita was right when she said that but the worry was still in the back of Aurora’s mind.

Besides, the very nature of finding lady Mei in the temple was a big shock Aurora was still trying to cope with. As far as the world knew, Lady Mei would never step into the temple even at the cost of her life.

But if the female had dared step in here then things had to be severe. Has Lady Mei already sensed what the temple’s intentions were and had come to put a stop to it?

“Sorry, I panicked at the moment. We chose the wrong day to come here. I’ll send a message to Astoria to be careful.”

Aurora had no other choice but to avoid Lady Mei on the temple premises. They could not leave easily since the prayers were going on.

Besides, Aurora was still curious about the ‘blessing’ ceremony that had been mentioned before.

Not to mention, they could not leave the grounds before Ur was found out.

“It’s just one thing after another, right? Don’t worry so much. The worst that can happen is this temple’s collapse. I am sure we will survive to see another day even if we are found out. In a one-vs-one, you are just as powerful as Lady Mei, right?”

Aurora wanted to agree with Rita’s enthusiasm but she was not sure if things would be so close this time.

The last time’s escape from the tower had only been possible because of the surprise factor Ur had managed to give them. That was not going to happen this time.

As for powers, Aurora had been practicing how to use her powers but Lady Mei still had more control over hers.

And the victory in a battle did not belong to the stronger person, it belonged to the smarter person.

“We should just head toward the prayer hall. At least that space should be safe from Lady Mei’s powers. Since the temple prays to the draconic lord, Lady Mei’s powers will be hampered.”

So would be Aurora’s but that is a thing for another time. They still had Ur on their side so that was something.

Rita opened her mouth, likely to suggest something but then gave up as soon as they heard the noise of footsteps heading toward them.

Along with the footsteps, the familiar voice of Lady Mei also made its debut. And as expected, the goddess sounded pissed off.

“I cannot believe Minerva asked me to come here. She knows I hate this place but she said ‘Since you are going, you might as well pay to visit the temple.’ How ridiculous. I mean, I know it’s her job to maintain a balance between different sectors but still! Can’t she cut me some slack?”

Lady Mei sounded far more annoyed than Aurora had expected her to be. Her voice sounded rather calm but there was an undertone of anger.

But it was her aura that screamed frustration and disappointment that gave away how Lady Mei felt.

‘It’s so weird to think of Mei as a ‘goddess’ when I remember her younger days in the abyss. She used to be such an earnest kid.’

And Mei had been a kid back then. She had been such a responsible but wild kid as well, always managing to land herself into trouble.

This feeling of nostalgia was a dangerous thing but thankfully it was not strong. Just like most emotions, Aurora felt these days, it was a little muted as well.

“Lady Mei, the prayers must have just ended. Should we head toward the blessing hall and check it out? Maybe you will find that familiar aura in there.”

The maid with Lady Mei was a sharp woman. She would be a formidable opponent at any other given opportunity.

But too bad that this was a place Lady Mei hated. And the suggestion the maid made sounded offending to Lady Mei enough for the maid to instantly drop it.

“I will drop dead before I allow myself to step foot in there. You can check it out at my place if you need to. On that note, talk with the priests and find out what is going on here as well. I’m going back since I already traced this place with my presence today.”

With those words, Aurora was assured that this was a false alarm. They were safe right now.

And they had also gotten a big piece of information from this exchange.

“I understand. I will present you with good news soon, My lady. Have a nice day then.”

Lady Mei’s presence vanished from around the grounds. Aurora was not sure if the elder was gone or not, but she didn’t think to risk it for now.

“Should we get going now?”

Rita asked in a small voice. Her voice was low but still audible enough to be heard by Aurora.

And she was not the only one who heard it. The bush behind the pair rustled and a familiar head popped out of the bush.

“Ah, so here you both were. I was wondering where you disappeared to. It is nice to meet you again,”

Lady Mei’s amused grin met Aurora’s face and watched it go white. Aurora had no idea what she should do in this situation.

Rita seemed to have a better idea as she prepared to hit Lady Mei but her body refused to move at the command.

“Now, please don’t be violent. I am not Minerva or one of those towers bruted who thinks with their fists and not their brains. I am perfectly capable of being civil. Hey, quit looking at me like that.”

Lady Mei was either being sarcastic with her remarks or she had no idea what her reputation was.

For someone who had a fiery temper, Lady Mei was behaving surprisingly well right now.

“I don’t think I want to listen to someone who holds my body in such a tight bond like that. Let me go and I might decide not to punch you.”

Rita’s almost yell earned her a yank before Aurora managed to stop the force of Mei’s power.

They both had decent control so it ended up in stalemate over that spell. But it also aroused Lady Mei’s curiosity.

“Hey, I was thinking of this last time as well but you do remind me of someone I used to know a long time ago. And your powers, are not ordinary as well, right? I want to talk with you.”

“Fuck off, I don’t want to talk with you. Nor does Aurora.”

“Hey, no need to be so rude to me! Besides, I was not talking to you redhead, I was talking to Aurora.”

Both of these girls were behaving like children. The more Aurora heard them fight, the more she wanted to quiet them down.

But she also felt the need to hear Mei out right now. If the other goddess was willing to let them go without causing any fuss then it was worth listening to her for now.

“Rita, head to the praying hall. I need you to be my eyes and ears this time. I will stay here and listen to what Lady Mei wants to tell me.”


“Rita, do me this one favor for now. Please.”

Maybe it was the final ‘please’ or the seriousness in Aurora’s voice that convinced Rita to get moving. The youngest took a last look back in hopes that she would be called back but Aurora did not say a word.

“Ara! Your companion looked like an abandoned puppy just now. Are you sure you should not go after her to console her?”

Aurora ignored the jab that Mei made at Rita. The elder was trying to get a raise out of Aurora which she was not going to give.

Instead of getting angry, Aurora leveled a calm expression toward Mei. If it was one thing Mei hated, it was getting ignored.

Aurora could already see her brows ticking because she was being ignored. It would not take long for the goddess to explode.

But before that happened, Aurora decided to ask the main question. Her curiosity got the better of her.

“What do you want from me? Why did you come after me?”

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