
Chapter 687 - Chapter 63 Episode 23 Asura

Chapter 687: Chapter 63 Episode 23 Asura

“It’s not that deep.”

It was a narrow and stagnant river. It seemed to be okay to cross with the body. Woo-Hyun took out an all-in-one waterproof suit. Black Mamba shook his head and pointed to Olonge. Olonge stared at him with a look of anticipation.

“Why are you looking at me?”

Olonge did not answer but tilted his head.

“This bastard, he’s laughing at me, isn’t he?” said Woo-Hyun in his mind.

Woo-Hyun was quite offended.

“You’d better think more. What do you think about where the leaves and animals’ dead bodies were deposited a hundred million years ago? Once you step in, you’ll be sucked into the black hole.”

Black Mamba’s face was no different from Olonge’s as he was telling him off.

“Damn it. How do I know if I’ve never crossed before? This insane. You were comparing me with Samdi”

Woo-Hyun’s eyes were burning with rage. He could know why Samdi was held in high esteem as a patron saint. An uninstructed Samdi had a powerful physical to break through obstacles like a tank, but an ordinary human like him couldn’t dare to try.


Olonge pointed to Black Mamba. Black Mamba posed in front of a tall and giant tree. Woo-Hyung closed his mouth.

“Hop, hop, hop. Ho-Hop”

If one could bring up the wind from the ground, there was no reason not to pull out the sword’s aura. The Gongjin swirled. He could feel every single movement of the cells. All consciousness gathered at a point. The Gonjinpa waved together with the frequency of trees. A flash of light swept through the bottom of a giant tree.

“Hatari! (Dangerous!)”

Olonge slapped Woo-Hyun’s side and ran away.


The sky had darkened.

“Holy moly!”

Frightened, Woo-Hyun jumped like a frog. The giant tree fell. The diameter of the base of Abyssinia, which was cut smoothly like a mirror, was thicker than Woo-Hyun’s height.

“OMG, I cannot fulfill the entire lifetime that my god has given to me!”

Freaked out, Woo-Hyun looked vacantly at the fallen giant tree. He was about to be killed by a tree.

“What’s going on here?”

Woo-Hyun watched back and forth between a Kukri and the fallen giant tree.

“Simply as it is!”

“As it is?”

Woo-Hyun’s face was rotten and tarnished. It was hard to communicate with a person who didn’t have common sense. Black Mamba roughly cut off a large branch using the Kukri and raised a giant tree. A 50-meter-long log bridge hung over hills on both sides of the Efulu River tributary.

“Mungu amerudi!”

Olonge lay face down with both hands on the ground. Black Mamba leisurely crossed the log bridge.

“Oh my god. Oh my God!”

Woo-Hyun could only say “oh my god” incessantly. He overreacted but felt like he was in a dream. He was embarrassed the moment when he knew that Wakil was the best. Black Mamba was not a god, but it was worth calling him god.

When Woo-Hyun crossed the log bridge halfway, the river fluctuated. A giant crocodile surged out of the water without warning. A scary 65 conical teeth sparkled in malice. He jumped up to 4-meters using his powerful tail as a driving force.

“I’m not that naive!”

Woo-Hyun swung the pangue like a sharpy rain. It was self-made swordsmanship named “the mirage of heaven”. The crocodile chose the wrong prey because Woo-Hyun was also a shining star hidden by a supernova, Black Mamba.

The cry of death throes rang out. The giant crocodile fell and splashed into the river after being given a strike in a moment. Splash! Numerous large and small aquatic creatures flocked with sharp teeth.

The surface of the water bubbled up. The torn crocodile pieces scattered around and the river turned red. Within three minutes, the chunk of meat that spread on the water surface disappeared and only giant bones remained.


Woo-Hyun took a breath in silence. Horrible creatures who ate a 5-meter giant crocodile in a second were staring at him with their heads popping on the water. Crunch! Crunch! The sound of a snake-like eel gnawing at the bone was played as the background music. Tired Woo-Hyun crossed the bridge quickly. He realized why everyone avoided the jungle of Ituri.


Black Mamba continued its pursuit in silence. Sometimes, gunfire and gunshot rang from far away, but he didn’t care. There was no way that numerous spies and guerrillas from all over the world enjoyed the friendship by raising vodka.

“Did you find it?”

Black Mamba flinched. Heterogeneous-smell molecules floated in the air. Whizz! Resonance waves compressed the atmosphere. The smell of molecules that had already faded, increased its density. It was like the smell of sweat, or it would be more exact to say that it smelled of decomposing lipids and fatty acids, which were secreted by bacterial secretions, and sweat glands that had proliferated from dead skin cells melted in sweat.

The smell of humans’ sweat and animals’ is different. The scent of an animal’s sweat might sour but not stink. Humans consume lots of salt. A long time after sweating, sodium promotes the decomposition of bacteria, resulting in a stinking smell.


Black Mamba, who caught the stinking smell, celebrated himself. This could be a piece of clear evidence that Roske’s base was not far away. He snapped a branch and splashed it. Tik! Once the back of Olonge’s head was hitten by the broken branch, he disappeared in a second. They couldn’t communicate, but he was pretty sensitive to feeling the sense of danger. Woo-Hyun also escaped with the side-crawl walking.

His sensitive nose also caught another smell other than the smell of sweat. Butanone, phenone, idole, and scotol are the molecules from waste when the digestive system absorbs nutrients and releases them out of the body. In other words, it is the smell of poop.

“Someone farted.”

The corner of Black Mamba’s mouth turned up. A heavy-educated spy could not handle the feces properly. They could wrap up the wastes and buried under the ground, but there would be no way to control the fart. The rougher food would produce more gas during the digestion process. Unless they were the dragons, they needed to release the generated gas.

“What’s wrong with this?”

Black Mamba, who was tracking the smell, tilted its head. The smell that needed to be thickened, disappeared. Even though he spread the dimensional sight, nothing was caught. Frustrated Black Mamba went back to the origin point and traced from the beginning.

“You’ve made a trap!”

After he circled a 300-meter diameter circle three times, he found why the smell had disappeared. They had faked the space. The suspicious point was about 75 meters from the end of the black granite rock.

The lower part of the rock was covered with rotting old trees and green algae while parasitic vines covered the old tree. Only the upper part, which was covered with dense ferns, was exposed. Nothing was special, but he was a god-level sniper to find a special part in mediocrity.

The problem was the distortion of space. He could see the rock, but he couldn’t approach it. The chaser deserved to encounter trifling. Black Mamba changed his mind by fiddling with the Rakshasa handle. He could break out of the trap. However, Ubiksa would not just watch it.

If this happened, it would be a battle of patience. Black Mamba burrowed into the ground like sinking under the water. He demonstrated both Gonjin and natural assimilation. All kinds of insects, reptiles, and arthropods stepped on his head, whose presence had disappeared.


Located at Haut-Uele, about 32Km of northwest of Mombasa, it had been more than ten days since Ubiksa Temple, led by Milovic, hid under the basement near limbali. Haute-Uele was close to the center of the jungle of Ituri and showed a high density of predators such as leopards, terrorist birds, venomous king snakes, and poisonous insects.

It was suitable as a hiding place, but the problem was water and food. It was spacious as 1067 sq ft, but Ubiksa was not in a good condition. They stayed in the jungle of Ituri for more than two months. Their medication and necessities were about to be out of stock.

When they were in a battle with the U.S. military, the lost equipment and freeze-dried food made them get into the worst condition. It was impossible to get supplies from locals. Most animals and plants that he had never heard of contained poisons. One of his crew who ate a rabbit-like animal was about to die, while the other crew called No. 16, ate mango-like fruit and died of poisoning.

To make the situation worse, his crew who ate corn and casava powder purchased from the local village had diarrhea. This was because digestive enzymes and bacteria living in the intestine had shrunk due to the lack of moisture in the body. Diarrhea made them physically weak quickly.

The vicious cycle of lack of moisture causing diarrhea and diarrhea depleting the body’s moisture occurred. The crew’s strength dropped sharply. However, they couldn’t even eat any cooked food because the smell of food spread more than two kilometers. Even a trap could not block the scent of cooking thoroughly.

The poor environment was not the only problem. The bigger problem was endless waiting without promise. He couldn’t communicate with Mai-Mai and couldn’t get out of the region. He was about to go crazy, waiting endlessly. Ubiksa was slowly losing their composure.

“Comrade, please resume the communication with the home country...”

“No way!”

Milovic cut off his men.

“Moscow does not want to have trouble with the U.S. We must wait until Mai-Mai comes.”

“Can this fool find us? It’s only 250 Km left to reach Luwenzori Mountains. If I distort the space and the 3rd crew blocks the noise, we can escape.”

“U.S. is not a fool. It is challenging to avoid numerous wiretapping machines and cameras. Even if we deceive them, we cannot trick the jungle of Ituri. Ntaganta is a great magician. He will find us at the latest.”

Milovic also desired to escape so severely, but there was nothing he could do other than waiting. He could only hang the medal on his neck if he was still alive. If he could cross the borderline of Ugandan, he pleasurably would get help from any creatures.

“No. 22, please trust comrade leader and yourself.”

When Deputy Sevchenko raised his voice, No. 22 closed his eyes tightly. He wanted to fight even if it caused him death.


The underground basement, where Black Mamba’s target, was a cramped space filled with heat and smell as hard as breathing. After the heavy rain, the humidity increased as the scope lens was blurred.

Helen received special treatment. Out of 70 ㎡ underground spaces, she occupied 8㎡. The rest of the space was divided among 14 team members and public space was occupied. Helen was also given food and water first.

“No. 6, you could hold farts.”

Helen became irritated. The pursuers moved around near their base several times. If No. 2 did not twist the space and No. 3 did not block the noise, it was over already. Control of physiological phenomena such as farting, coughing, and sneezing was the basic of spy training.

“Helen, I’m trying too.”

No. 6 responded soullessly.

“A man who tries to fart like a machine gun?”

Helen cast her eyes.


No 6’s eye became violent. If someone gets special treatment in a limited space, there is someone who is discriminated against. No. 6 was armed with solid patriotism, but he still wanted to shoot Helen. No. 5 tapped No. 6. Helen was something to protect.

“Helen, please burrow me into a freezer for a minute. The fart was due to the increased temperature in the stomach. If you don’t like the smell of farts, give me a freezer for a minute.”

No. 6 smiled and held out his hand. Swing! Helen swung the RN-2, a great sword, without hesitation. No. 6 frightened out and pulled his hands back.

“You bitch!”

A pissed-off No. 6 sat on the dirty wall and closed his eyes. She was not an official member, but she was fierce enough to not be able to have a conversation. If she was not a hero, she would have already been thrown out into a forest infested with predators and poisonous insects.

“Fuck you, man!”

Helen smirked and pulled the Oparts out of her sports bra. Her breast turned blue as if it had frostbite. It was more precious than her life, so she couldn’t put it in the backpack, even though she was suffering from a cold. She was very nervous even if it was separated from her body.

Oparts became colder as the room temperature rose. It was hard to identify the object with her knowledge no matter how hard she tried. The property of the KGB was darkness. “Do not try to know anything. Do as you are commanded. Even if you know, do not say anything. Do not trust your comrade.”

Helen rolled the Oparts with a cloth and tied them tightly to her lower stomach. She could endure the cold air by moving it around. She was faithful to the teachings of the organization.

“No 6 and No7, It’s time to reconnaissance.”

A voice was heard from the inner wall, but no one was seen. It was No. 1 who used transparent skills. Milovic ordered reconnaissance every four hours. The aim was to identify hazards and to contact Mai-Mai rebels.

“Wow, you punks!”

Black Mamba kicked his tongue. The shrub on the left side of the rock moved. The eyes of a high-skilled sniper could distinguish between vector displacement and chaos displacement. The shrub moved at constant speed in a certain direction.

Amazingly, a round bowl rose where the shrub moved away. The bowl, which rose slightly from the surface, stayed in the same place for a while. No. 7 was analyzing the smell of floating in the atmosphere. After confirming that there was no problem, No. 7 escaped smoothly like a lizard.


No. 7 inhaled the air deeply. The humid air was a heavenly scent compared to the polluted underground air. Another green bowl rose next to it. No. 6, who came out from the underground, returned the shrub to its place.

“The windbreak management would be perfect!”

Black Mamba moistened his lip. He wore tight green clothes and a full-face helmet and covered his eyes and mouth with goggles and a mask. He was like a wet log.

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