
Chapter 21 The Unity (1)


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My name is Agnes and I work as a maid at the Creed\'s mansion....

It\'s a fucking tiring job.

I put on a different persona when I\'m working because men like a timid maid more than a one with a rowdy personality like mine.

That\'s the reason why I act timid in front of my new employers.

I\'ve been doing this at every job I\'ve had so far.

Right now, I\'m going to call the young master of this house,

He was swimming in the pool.

I walk towards him and say,

\'\' Young M-master.\'\'

He turns around and says,

\'\' Hey Agnes, what\'s up?\'\'

He had weird smile on his face, I look at the ground and say in a shy voice,

\'\' The chairwoman is calling you to her office, she said the \'dogs\' you wanted have arrived.\'\'

He gets out of the pool and walks towards me in small steps,

He raises his hands and reaches for my chin…


This is fucking sexual harassment.

I prepare myself to kick him in the balls but before I can he raises my head and looks me in the eyes and say,

\'\' Look at me when you\'re speaking…\'\'

After saying this he just leaves.

\'What a cringey line.\', I think to myself.

Does the young master like me?

I\'m sorry dude, but I like girls…


Chapter 21

\'\' We don\'t want this promotion.\'\', Francis\'s voice echoes throughout the room.

It seems that his initial shock had passed.

\'\' Don\'t speak for me...but I also don\'t want this.\'\', says Amanda in a slightly irritated tone.

\'\' Well I-\'\',Diane starts to speak but I cut her off and ask the duo in front of me,

\'\' What\'s the reason for your refusal ?\'\'.

The atmosphere in the room becomes tense, both Amanda and Francis seemed shocked.

The chairwoman was known for her anger in the association and this boy had just interrupted this same chairwomen. They waited for the chairwoman to explode but it never came to pass.

Seeing their adverse reaction, Diane sighs and tells them,

\'\' Answer his question.\'\'

\'\' Well... this just doesn\'t feel like a promotion.\'\'

Their answer was obvious.

They had worked liked dogs all these years and for their promotion they get to be the chairwomen\'s adopted son\'s assistants ?

It just doesn\'t make sense.

If I were in their position I would probably just kill myself...but hey not everyone\'s a suicidal maniac like me.

\'\' I see.. that\'s reasonable.\'\'

An awkward silence envelops the room.

\'\' Diane, could you excuse us for a second.\'\'

\'\' Sure, honey.\'\'

Amanda and Francis are once again shocked by our exchange, I choose to ignore them.

Them getting shocked at every small thing is getting old.

After Diane leaves the office, I take her place in front of the desk and clasp my hands together on the table.

A small smile breaks out on my face,

\'\' Do you remember me ?, I was one of the children whose talent you measured years ago, I was the talentless one..\'\'

I chuckle a little.

\'\' Yes, I do remember that... we also talked to you just a week ago.... remember ?\'\', Francis says in a mocking tone.

I cough a little to hide my embarrassment and continue on ignoring Francis.

\'\' Anyways if you don\'t work for me, you\'ll both be fired and blacklisted so that you can\'t find anymore work.\'\'

\'\' Are you threatening us ?\'\'

Hearing Amanda\'s accusatory tone, I frown and say,

\'\' No, I am not \'threatening\' you. I am merely informing you that you have no other choice other than to become my do- I mean assistants.\'\'

Amanda stands up and slams her hands onto the table.

\'\' This isn\'t fair, you can\'t just fire us like that, you need a valid reason... we\'re both hardworking people... you can\'t do this to us-\'\'

I cut her off and say,

\'\' Max Reynolds\'\'

After hearing that name, their faces freeze.

\'\' How-\'\', Amanda\'s shocked voice was pleasing to my ears.

\'\' Now then, why don\'t the both of you think long and hard about my offer, I\'ll give you... half and hour to make your decision.\'\', saying this I leave the office.

There was a reason why I chose to take in Amanda and Francis as my assistants, their future changed when I killed the real \' Diane\'. In the novel, Amanda learns that Diane and Ken had joined up with the angels, but it was to no use as Diane discovers her eavesdropping on her and tries to kill her, Francis dies while trying to protect her and Amanda successfully escapes to the countryside. But Diane doesn\'t stop hunting her and sends assassins after her. When the assassins reach her house, she dies without putting up a fight, mainly due to the fact that she was traumatized due to Francis\'s death.

Stupid, if you ask me but who am I to judge ?

I literally can\'t judge them because I wrote that entire scenario, but the readers loved that scene and trust me when I say that a writer writes in a way that will always appeal to the readers even if they think that it\'s a stupid scenario or at least I did.

I may just be a bad writer but that doesn\'t matter now, does it ?

Now that Diane was dead, the both of them had become variables that I had to deal with.


An hour later, I had two assistants.

They both looked at me with anger but hey... it\'s not like they have a choice right ?

They were also kind of like my bodyguards.

They were both A rank, so they were both pretty formidable.

I also didn\'t have to worry about them betraying me as they were.. good people.

\'\' So for your first official task... get me a phone.\'\'

They nod their heads and leave, I can hear they\'re grumbling as they walk but I pay it no mind.

I still can\'t believe that I still hadn\'t bought a phone for myself since coming to this world. With everything that was going on, I just forgot about it.


The bed feel\'s soft as usual.

I stare at my ceiling blankly.

4 days.

In four days, I \'m going to officially join the Unity as a student.

Untill now, I was living in the prologue.

It\'s time for the main story to unfold.

Thinking this I gently close my eyes and delve into the world of dreams.


The hall was brightly lit with a huge chandelier.

At the end of the hall, there was a throne made out of a sturdy black material.

Sitting atop the throne was a very tired man, he was as thin as a sheet ,his hair had completely grayed, his black eyes looked like it had seen a lot, but the man\'s most distinctive feature were his horns or horn as one of his horns had been sliced in half.

Three individuals were standing behind the throne, two women and one man respectively.

A man was kneeling in front of them.

The man in question was Bal.


One of the women yells loudly glaring at Bal.

Bal doesn\'t shy away from her glare and gives her a glare right back.

\'\' Why did you steal the best ascaris in our master\'s collection, Bal ?\'\', the man standing behind the throne asks Bal calmly.

\'\' I made a deal.... with a human.\'\'

The three generals standing behind the throne gasp at Bal\'s proclamation.

\'\' What did you get from the deal, Bal ?\'\', the demon king finally opens his mouth causing everyone to shut up, his mere voice intimidates everyone in the room including Bal.

Yet Bal looks his brother and king straight in the eye and says in a voice he thought sounded brave,

\'\' The human has promised to rescue the princess.\'\'

Gasps are heard throughout the throne room once again.

\'\' How foolish are you ?... How can you even be sure that the princess exis-\'\'

The man standing behind the throne gets cut off before he can complete what he was saying by the women who had remained silent untill now.

\'\' Why would you, the person who hates humans the most among us believe the words of a human blindly ?\'\'

Bal stays silent.

\'\' Speak.\'\', the demon king\'s emotionless voice sends shivers down everyone\'s bodies.

\'\' I... he.....he l-\'\'

\'\' SPIT IT OUT !\'\', The woman who yelled earlier yells again.

Bal sighs and says in a slow voice,

\'\' The human looked...…. similar to the prince.\'\'

The eyes of everyone in the throne room, including the demon king\'s widens at Bal\'s words.


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