
Chapter 51 One More Thing To Do

Principal Gordon has committed suicide..... and yes, this doesn\'t happen in the original plot but I don\'t feel the need to care about that anymore.

But surprisingly enough, Gordon\'s death was a blessing in disguise for me since it made the process of breaking out of the demon princess much easier.

The news of his death was publicized yesterday and a funeral would take place tomorrow, the funeral was going to take place in Unity and important dignitaries from all over the world would arrive for it. During this time the security would increase at the entry point, and the prison\'s security would probably be a little lax.

A prison that doesn\'t officially exist doesn\'t need that much security, right?

This made my plan a little more solid, so I was in a good mood today.


I\'m not saying that I\'m happy that Gordon is dead, I\'m pretty bummed out about that.. he was a good man, an honest, kin- who am I kidding I don\'t give a rat\'s ass about him, I barely knew the guy aside from creating him and writing his past...


It seems that I did know a lot about him.

I love all my creations... so I do feel a little sad.. truly, but it\'s not like this is the first time something I loved died because of me.



" Hey, are you planning on telling us your plan anytime soon ?"

Eric\'s voice breaks me away from my thoughts.

We had met up in my room today to discuss the \'plan\'.

" Well, the principal\'s death has benefitted us... I know that sounds terrible but it\'s the unfortunate truth."

Lecia and Adam nod their heads along as I continue to speak.

" Now before getting into the juicy details of the plan, I\'m sure you\'re all curious as to where exactly the prison is located.... well let me satiate your curios-",

" Just say it already !!", Eric interjects.


I hate him.

I like giving speeches... I\'m just trying to make things entertaining, what\'s so wrong with that?

I glare at him to show him what exactly I thought about his interruption.

" Kuhum", I Iet out a cough and continued.

" Well, the entry to the prison is in the library.", I relish the look of surprise on their faces.

" I know that it isn\'t conventional but that\'s exactly why they built it there... Now before we get into it, do you have any questions for me ?", I ask, cause I\'m all about answering questions.

Misunderstandings are a drag...

I\'m kind of proud of myself for not involving myself in any kind of misunderstandings or anything like that.

Well, there was that thing with Katherine, but I\'m sure that\'s resolved.

" How do you know the entrance is in the library ?", Eric asks with suspicion etched on his face.

" The demons informed me.", I answer back as quickly as the question was asked.

If I had taken my time to answer the question then he would obviously be suspicious leading to many misunderstandings. But I have avoided all that just by answering his question without any hesitation.

Am I a pro or what?

"Still can\'t believe that they\'re on our side...", Lecia still didn\'t seem to have digested the idea of demons being innocent.

I can\'t blame her, all her life she\'s been told that the demons were the bad guys, and she won\'t be able to adjust to the truth that quickly. It must be worse for Lecia because her parents died in the war that she just learned was a pointless farce.

" How many guards are guarding the entrance ?"

Hearing Eric\'s question, a small smile appears on my face as I said,

" Just one."


".... so that\'s the plan, any questions ?", I ask after explaining the plan thoroughly.

" It sounds way too risky... but doable", Eric said uncertainly, was he trying to reassure himself?

" Are you sure that you know the code ?", Lecia asked.

I nod my head and said, " I\'m sure."

To open the entrance, we had to use a code which I knew because..... well, I\'m the author remember?

In the middle stages of the novel, a criminal organization breaks into the prison and successfully breaks out someone from the prison using the code. During their escape, they run into Max and the rest and they fight. This was Max\'s second interaction with the said \'organization\', the first time he met them was at the...


The knocking at our room\'s door breaks me away from my thoughts.

I walk to the door and open it.

" Why are you guys here ?", I ask surprised.

Outside the door, the trio that should have been home was standing before me.

Agnes, Francis, and Amanda.

Judging from their facial expressions, something seems to have gone wrong.

At my question, Amanda steps forward and said,

" Your parents...have been murdered, sir."


" The world is in a frenzy right now due to the deaths of so many great heroes happening all at once. First, it was Principal Gordon of Unity, may God rest his soul.... and now it is the power duo of Diane and Ken Creed that have been brutally assassinated by an unknown entity... The incident took place in the public square no less...---"

I turn my attention away from the tv that was positioned high up in the air in one corner of the waiting room of the hospital.

I wasn\'t surprised, I knew that this would happen sooner or later.

I had already informed them about their deaths even before they even happened because I knew..... I knew that the angels wouldn\'t leave them alone. Diane and Ken both knew the truth, so leaving them alone was dangerous and the angels were a cautious group.

The reason they came after me first must be because of the fact that they didn\'t have the necessary manpower to kill Diane, she was the 5th-- nope 4th strongest person in the human realm.

She was actually the fifth but since the strongest human went rouge the whole ranking changed making the emperor who was the second strongest the first.

Am I disappointed that Diane is dead?

Yes, of course.

But it was necessary as I didn\'t want to arouse the angel\'s suspicions.

But even if Diane and Ken were dead, the ascaris inside them weren\'t completely dead.

I know, because I can feel our connection... it\'s faint but still intact.

I\'m gonna bring them back.

I look around the hospital filled with people and wonder,

\' Who here will be suitable hosts ?...\'


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