
Chapter 12 Cemetery Of Gods

When Constantine departed the room, he found himself walking along with a small hallway-beautiful compound of roots, he entered the kitchen and there she was, humming that song again as she baked something, delightfully bending her back towards him as she sought some ingredients, showing her entire self to him wantonly.

He grits his teeth, more conscious of her than ever before.

"Please, take a sit~ I\'ll make breakfast for us, my love."


"Could it be, is my nudity making you uncomfortable? let me fix it~" Noticing his gaze roaming all over her body, the goddess giggled as myriad butterflies materialised into something.

Something that made Constantine gulp as his defences received a harsh hit.

What the inhabitants of other worlds would deem as an \'apron\' with a miniskirt, the problem is... they were translucent.

A small line separated the two halves of her butt, top and bottom, they fluttered with each movement.

"Is this better?" She giggled and swayed her butt slightly, unnecessarily moving a plate from one end of the table to the other as the ingredients floated around.

"Oh yes, it is..." He nearly grunted, enjoying her show... she knows what she is doing, this wicked goddess.

Tempting him to no end.

"A-Are there any places in Sandoria that you think I should stay away from?" He asked suddenly, wanting to make some conversation while sitting and enjoying her cooking form.

"Ummm there are several, Sandoria is a relic of history... currently a mere medium realm, it used to be one of the highest-ranked realms in the universe... but that is the past, there are several places that you can consider dangerous even for me, scattered around."

"Even of you!?"

"Yes... Sandoria, in the community of gods, is labelled as the \'Cemetery of Gods...\' Lucius wasn\'t the first one, he wasn\'t even the thousandth one... if you want to know an interesting detail... your five wives, before eventually ending in your world, perished here..." Aurelianne spoke solemnly and the shock in her words was successfully delivered.


"WHAT!?" Constantine stood up abruptly, the meaning beneath her words \'your five wives died here...\' was all that mattered to him.

"That is indeed the case, your wives used to live in this world, but they perished in a great war where hundreds of gods died... as for how they ended up in your world, I\'m unaware... the place of that fight is concealed within the Depths of the Ocean Kingdom, never to be seen again, it was called the Great War of Lux, but such events have long been forgotten in history."

"..." He had no idea, a part of him wondered if they had been concealing this from him all this time.

"They weren\'t... during the process of Samsara, most gods will lose their memories, so they didn\'t conceal their lives from you, unless... some of them did."

"What do you mean..."

"You have a blessing in you... Blessing of Adjourned Death. Sandra, the Minor Goddess of Death, Daughter of The Higher Goddess of Space Nova, and the Higher God of Time Toki... this blessing, unlike the rest... isn\'t sealed which means that at some point she regained her memories, but didn\'t tell you anything, she gave you this blessing willingly as gods are unable to do so without being fully conscious." Aurelianne took out something from her root oven.

It was a freshly baked loaf of bread.

Constantine was too focused on the story to think about the delicious smell of the bread, for now.

"So Sadra concealed it from me, that fool..." Sandra had acted too casually during the period of her death, but he didn\'t see this as anything suspicious.

"The laws of the Death swirl around you, as if blessing you... be careful, for a powerful witch or demon might notice this. I can tell you what the distribution of the world in Sandoria is." After finishing her bread, she started to prepare something else.


"The world of Sandoria is gigantic, at least ten times as big as your previous world... there are three moons, there are two suns... the gods representing them long gone... they have lost most of their power, yet remain."


"The Continent you have to stay the furthest away from, is the Continent of Bael, at the North-east of the Continent of Ishmarak... there are only three continents and thousands of big islands that are occupied by different races, one thing you have to bear in mind is unless the soil is cursed, the territory has already been taken."

"Got it." He understood what she meant, there is no ownerless land in Sandoria, which is something amazing.

"You have to stay away from the Continent of Bael, it is the house of the demons, only demons inhabit it, they\'re prideful and won\'t allow any other race in... they\'re led by the Demon Lord, Bael... the most cursed existence in Sandoria, the one that slays Lucius, his power is unfathomable." Her words didn\'t contain fear, but they held a sense of... respect?

He wondered why she didn\'t feel outright disgust.

"Then there is the continent where you should be going, Ishmarak, is the biggest of all continents... it is magical and wonderful, holding civilisations that look nigh-futuristics, humans have created miracles with magic and there is even a vapour machine that can traverse long distances~!" When speaking about this continent, she spoke enthusiastically.

"The ones that live in this race are the strongest of all, together with what remains of the other races... the Human race, the were-beast race and the elves... other races include monsters, creatures, dwarves, fairies... but they\'re so low in number and scattered... one of the reasons I want to re-establish my faith is to restore those wonderful races, they lack the vitality to reproduce or even the desire to do so..." Her voice turned sullen until a pair of arms enveloped her from behind.

"I will do my best" He reassured.

"I know you will~"

Deciding to help, he started to cut some vegetables, she didn\'t shy away and requested this, figuring they\'d have more fun by doing so together.

But then, her voice changed once again...

"The last continent is one you should absolutely not thread even by mistake, aside from the ocean themselves which are furious and merciless, creatures abound... this continent is the Fallen Divine Continent, the smallest of all but also, the worst."

He could already imagine just by the name.

"It is the continent where Lucius used to live with his small pantheon... during the War, the Great Witch Aemir, the Demon Lord Bael and the Human Emperor... joined hands to create a curse that would devastate Lucius, he was, after all, a God, mere mortals can\'t challenge a god, but a god also can\'t involve himself in worldly matters... they made him descend and struck this curse upon his flesh, erasing him and his goddesses from existence, but... humanity bear the brunt, and the elves."


"The curse is called Rotborn... the mixture of everything that\'s evil in this world... it corroded the entire Divine Continent and several kilometres away, everything inside there, simply dies... decays... it ceases to exist... during the period in which this curse was cast, for some reason, the Great Witch Aemir struck the Human Emperor, but it didn\'t only kill him... the curse struck humanity as a whole.

"Since then, humanity\'s lifespan hasn\'t exceeded sixty years of age."


"T-That\'s ridiculous..." He couldn\'t conceive how the entire race had such a low lifespan, what can even be achieved by a civilisation that has such a low span to live!

Let alone sixty is the maximum and hence, the average should be around thirty or forty.

But he was bound to be shocked as Aurelianne wasn\'t finished.

"And that\'s not all, those that have sixty years of age maximum are the magus... for the non-magus, they usually don\'t live past forty, and that\'s above average."

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