
Chapter 289 288; Even If I Have To Walk Through The Pile Of Dead Bodies..

" Brother.. I need a carriage.. I will get her body out of this Kingdom even if I have to walk through the pile of dead bodies.." did he care? No.. all he thought of is giving his mother some peace in the underworld..

"Hahahaha.. now you think you are that powerful? Who do you think you are?" The King retorted back coldly.

" I will escort them back, since mother had relinquished her powers then it\'s our responsibility to burry her as the Princess of the Tang clan." Lin Juan\'s words were like the final nails that struck the coffin closed.

"I won\'t allow it! I won\'t! I as a husband have the right to claim her body..! He yelled out loudly as he signalled the soldiers to cover the entire place and guard it.

"Humphhh! Father, you are forgetting you have a battle ahead of you to fight.. don\'t waste your soldiers here battling with us.. if they die.. you will be the one at a loss.."

" I don\'t care.. she has to be buried in this lands.. this is where she has to be buried."

" Father, are you planning on going against me?" His fiery eyes turned around to look at the King, Lin Juan was tired with this conversation of going back and forth.

"Not that I want to go against you, but rather, you are the ones betraying the Kingdom.." he stood guard at the door.

" Oohhh.. so what do you mean by that? Are you saying that we are traitors?" Lin Juan narrowed his eyes on him.

" Humphhh!" He walked away as the soldiers stood guard.

" Carry her out.." Lin Juan ordered as he began clearing the soldiers away.

The First Prince carried his mother while Lin Juan cleared the way.

Lin Fai and his team had finally arrived at Kwema village rallying through the meandering tarmacked roads.

"Hello people of Kwema village..."

I\'m Lin Fai and I\'m vying for Presidential Candidacy for the upcoming Elections..

please vote for me.."

" We are meeting at the playing grounds of your village.. we can have a few words.."

" If you vote me in as the next president.. I promise to establish better health facilities, roads, infrastructure and address the disaster of lack of food..."

" We have several projects that will benefit every citizen if you vote for us to take over the government.."

" Our party is; People\'s Democratic Movement Party.."

"PDMP... It\'s a party for the people and to serve the people..."

" For a stable economy.. for seeking justice for innocent deaths.. we need a new government to be sworn in.."

" Let\'s vote.. vote.. vote.."

" The people of Kwema village, here is your saviour for the future generations and prosperity of our Country.."

" I hereby urge you my country people to vote wisely.."

Lin Fai\'s head was popping out of the van as he spoke out using the microphone.

Several people were tagging behind the truck as they moved slow motion towards the playing grounds.

Zhou Feng had already arrived at a village in City B and was addressing them.

"As you can see.. this country is ours and you the citizens have the right to choose the person you want."

" It\'s a constitutional right binded by law that the vote that you are holding guarantees you to choose the leader you want.."

" Now, let me hear people who will be voting for us.."

" PDMP.."

" People\'s Party.."

" People\'s Party?"

" Work for all.."

"For the upcoming Elections which have been scheduled next month.. let\'s avail ourselves in massive and vote for our leader."

"Vote for Lin Fai as the next president.."

"Lin Fai for President.."

" Now I will want to hear from you locals what you want the next government to consider doing for your village if he becomes the next president.."

The soldiers passed the microphone to the first person who stood up, the entire place was packed with people of different calibers.

"Thank you for coming over to this lands, as people of Kwema village we lost several members of our families and we are still mourning.."

" Be it through the bomb blast or the bodies that were uncovered.. we please ask for justice.. those who did this crimes let them be brought forward to the law.."

" As you can see, we have terrible roads, ninety percent of this County has the poorest roads, infrastructures and very undeveloped.."

" Things this village requires is resources for us to develop it from schools to Hospitals thank you." The woman passed the microphone back as she sat down.

"Mr chairman, we need to look into youth employment and also have polytechnic colleges as not every student passes to the university, this will curb the amount of youths loitering and subjecting themselves to drug abuse.. thank you.."

People were given a chance to speak out their wishes and their expectations for the upcoming government.

In the Ming Kingdom Wu Xue and Xie finished their meals before returning back to their courtyard.

The guards tagged behind them protectively as this were the King\'s commands.

It was almost 11pm as they got inside the courtyard but as Wu Xue was opening the door.. she saw a black cat tagging behind her.

She turned around and bent down as she gently caressed it.

"What a cute cat.. did you get lost?" She inquired curiously as she gently played with it\'s long furs.

The cat just looked at her in her eyes, "Wu Xue, don\'t touch anything carelessly, it might be harmful.." Xie warmly warned her as she looked at the cat.

" Aaahh.. since when did such innocent cats also become harmful?" She looked at the cat that seemed to be lost but it had a tag around its neck.

She held it and turned it around to see what was written on it..

"Aahhh? Xie.. what does this mean?" She knew little about reading.

" Hehehe.. I don\'t know, I think we need to enroll in the Imperial Academy to study.." She shyly responded.

" No need to shy.. we will go there tomorrow, and if there is nothing of interest we can come back home.. it\'s not a must we know how to read.." she carried the cat into her arms and gently patted it.

"Don\'t you think it will be good if you clean it up?"

"Don\'t worry Xie, it\'s totally unharmful."

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