
Chapter 55 I Will Just Marry You & Make You Bankrupt...

The Shangguan sisters worked together to weave the leaves, vines, and moss into a crude but effective shelter.

The boy stood away from them so as not to make Ling\'er bashful again.

The sweet sisters used the vines to tie the branches and leaves to the trees\' trunks, creating a kind of tent-like structure. Placing comfy leaves in the midst to use as their bedding along with the moss they gathered.

"Ahh...it\'s done...we need to get some firewood..." Ling\'er mumbled as she went to find the materials for the campfire.

She gathered dry branches and twigs from the forest floor and used stones to ignite the fire.

As the fire grew, She added larger sticks and logs, until it was a blazing fire.

Yue Yan had brought leaves and mosses to make comfy seats on the floor a meter away from the campfire and invited Bing\'er and her Sister to sit there.

The boy took the seat beside the white-haired beauty as he knew Ling\'er would\'ve become embarrassed if he sat near her.

The trio had built their own shelter and fire, and were warm in the middle of the dense forest, surrounded by the beauty of nature.

It was already dark night as The forest was filled with the sound of cricket and the rustle of leaves caused by the cold breeze and the moonlight came through gaps in trees, spreading its light glow to the forest ground.

Three human figures were sitting in front of the crackling fire in the midst of a forest as a crimson-haired beauty took a peek at the boy from time to time who caused her to become coyish earlier in the day.

His hands wrapped around his knees and watched the flames dancing in front of him. Yue Yan\'s face was lit up by the radiance of roaring fire.

"Don\'t look at me like that...if you want I can come beside you..." He spoke as he had already noticed her peeking action.

The crimson-haired beauty sat straight, acting as if she didn\'t hear him and didn\'t say anything.

Shangguan Bing\'er gave them a look as she was sitting in the middle of them then she thought to change the topic as she asked, "Isn\'t it risky to make a fire and attract the wild beasts?"

"Yeah...if beasts come then we can have our night meal...so it\'s better to have the campfire." Ling\'er described her cunning plan.

Hearing their conversation, Yue Yan hovered his hand in front of Bing\'er and spread his palm.

He said, "Heaven if I\'m the right person for Bing\'er then send some edible food in my hand..."

Soon, three Arctic Saffron Cookies and two Peanut buns appeared on a big plate that was placed on his palm.

The girls were surprised to see this happening as they didn\'t expect his shameless words would be fulfilled.

"So you weren\'t lying that you have spatial storage with you." The white-haired beauty spoke...

"Nah...it\'s sent by heaven to prove I\'m one and only for you..." The boy responded, rubbing his nose with the other hand\'s index finger.

Bing\'er glared at him as if she didn\'t like his bad joke.

Yue Yan said, "When I said I really have the spatial device you guys didn\'t believe me...So let it be Heaven who sent the food."

"Didn\'t Ling\'er found your spatial storage device that time that she got scared..." Shangguan Bing\'er asked, her eyebrows were scrunched in puzzlement.

"Yeah... definitely...that\'s why I\'m going to be her boyfriend free of cost..." Yue Yan said as he didn\'t add the \'fake\' before the word.

​ The crimson-haired beauty\'s face was all red as her sister was reminding her of that incident.

"Don\'t you want some, Bing\'er?" The boy asked as the plate was right in front of her...

"No...I\'m not hungry." She declined with a straight face as she didn\'t show any interest.

However, a rumbling sound reverberated one after another back to back that exposed her...

"Your cute tummy doesn\'t agree with you. Don\'t be shy...we are all one team...Here..." He handed her one Arctic Saffron Cookie and one Peanut bun.

Bing\'er didn\'t refuse it this time as she was really hungry and they were on the same team.

Shangguan Ling\'er was delighted that her sister had taken two so she could at least give her one. But to her surprise, the white-haired beauty didn\'t even turn towards her and ate with a happy heart.

Bing\'er was thinking that the boy would surely give her sister food as he had given one team member so...

Ling\'er\'s face was as if she would cry seeing her sister didn\'t even care about her. She was too embarrassed to ask the boy.

As The white-haired beauty finished the food she realized he didn\'t give it to her sister.

Yue Yan ate one Arctic Saffron Cookie alone as he had remaining food on the plate in his other hand that he didn\'t bother to offer anyone.

The crimson-haired beauty watched from the side as she thought, "That hateful guy...he didn\'t even ask me...My sister also betrayed me and didn\'t give me any...it\'s not possible but they seem to be together to bully me...Nooo...Please my food..."

As she saw the food was going to end soon, she decided to take the action.

Ling\'er inclined towards her sister\'s lap and suddenly moved her hand to pull the remaining Arctic Saffron Cookie and two Peanut buns from Yue Yan\'s plate which was in his hand near the white-haired beauty\'s side.

Bing\'er was taken aback by her sister\'s not-so-elegant action as she robbed the food out of the Boy\'s possession...

Yue Yan was already prepared as this was all his plan to coax the greedy squirrel to take the honey bait.

He had intentionally put the plate there so Ling\'er takes them herself. He wanted to see what method she uses to eat as the boy didn\'t think she would stay hungry or wait for wild beasts to come.

As the girl took all the food on the plate, she sat in a normal position.

"I hate you..." She said adorably with puffed cheeks as she took a bite from the Peanut bun.

Yue Yan found her action cute as he responded with a feeble smile, "There was a saying I read in the book if a girl says they hate you it definitely means they love you a lot. I don\'t know how much true it is."

"It\'s not true at all...I just hate you..." She said, chewing the food she stole after preparing all the courage to tackle the embarrassment...

"Okay, little one...Here another one...you seem like no one has fed you for a long time..." He gave her another peanut bun.

Ling\'er took it without resistance as she was really hungry after the twelve-hour journey in the dense forest.

"She gets more hungry because of her spirit as it requires her to eat more than normal..." Bing\'er explained as she didn\'t like the boy saying \'no one had fed her sister.\'

"Oh...So you are going to make your husband bankrupt with your intense eating habit." He said, his voice was filled with amusement.

"Don\'t make fun of me Or I will just marry you and make you bankrupt..." The crimson-haired beauty said with annoyance as she focused on eating.

There was a lack of elegance when she ate as she didn\'t care about the high noble manners or etiquette of a great clan\'s young miss. She wasn\'t interested to impress Yue Yan either.

"You cannot make me bankrupt...I have more than enough money and food to feed a hundred of you." He responded, taking out more Arctic Saffron Cookie and Peanut buns to give her.

The girl was happier as she took the food with a joyous heart and kept filling her stomach to calm her hunger.

"Where are you hiding them and how many of these do you have? Won\'t they all finish if you give all to me?" The crimson-haired beauty asked as she was consumed in eating her food, forgetting the incident from earlier that made her shy.

"I have more than enough for our trip. I can feed you this much every day for a month..." Yue Yan said, as he remembered Cang Xue giving him a lot of food to store in his system inventory as she had them in the spatial ring that she had brought from the phoenix city.

These were the food that wasn\'t prepared by her as some were bought with money and others were prepared by the royal maids...

The one she cooked herself was specially kept in another slot of Yue Yan\'s space that he had saved for himself.

He wasn\'t going to waste Cang Xue\'s all-night effort that she sacrificed her sleep to cook especially for him. It was her pure affection and love for him, he wasn\'t going to just give them away to court another girl.

If there was no other way to find food to feed them then he would\'ve taken them out as last resort but they also had the option to hunt in the wild and grill the meat of beasts.

As the trio had finished their night meal, their next problem was where the three of them would sleep as there was only one shed and they weren\'t of the same gender or even lovers who would sleep together.



The Novel will be renamed to "My Five Beautiful Girlfriends in The Spirit World" in a week or two as that name would suit it better.


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