
Chapter 47

When I received the notification that a hunter had been assigned to me I was full of emotion, I thought that my opportunity had finally arrived, it has been almost a year since I graduated from training and until now I was still alone. I wonder what kind of hunter she will be, will she be the feminine and energetic type or will she be a tough girl, I was so excited that I didn’t really care what kind of hunter she was; she only knew that she would finally have a friend and companion.

As I was on my way to receive my assignment documents, I couldn’t help but notice that several of the other agents were giving me strange looks, I thought they were disappointed that the girl who was always teased finally got an assignment. . . I couldn’t be more wrong.

′′ This must be a mistake. ′′ I exclaimed with great surprise.

′′ It is not, that is your assignment. ′′ My superior said calmly as if this situation were the most normal thing in the world and not a clear violation of the protocols.

′′ But it cannot be, it was long ago that it was included in the association’s protocols that the agents of the hunters must be of the same sex as them or, failing that, contrary to their sexual preferences. This has been done to avoid abuses of all kinds against the agents; So why did they assign me to a man? ′′

I was furious, for years I have been harassed in the fortress when they told me that I got an assignment I was very happy; But now it seems like it was just another way to mess with me Being assigned as an agent for a male hunter was no different from gifting myself to the man and seeing the attitude of my superior; it was highly likely that there was a problem with the hunter assigned to me.


′′ I don’t have to give you explanations, this is the job that you were given; If you refuse, you will be exiled from the fortress and relocated to a 2-star class world. ′′

′′2-star class? What kind of nonsense is that, it’s no different from murdering me; protocol dictates that it should be relocated to a zero-star class world. ′′

′′ I will not listen to your nonsense Elaisa, take the assignment or leave the fortress; that’s an order. ′′

What else could I do? She didn’t want to die or worse on some unknown planet; sure they had already chosen one where my fate would be horrible. I just don’t understand why they hate me so much, I know they hate the half of me that I inherited from my father; But the war ended a long time ago and I had nothing to do with it. Resigned I could only take the documents of my assignment and leave the office.

Desmond Astryd, is the name of the hunter who was assigned to me, male obviously, 19 years old; he is quite young for a hunter to be around my age. Now let’s see what else, he was recruited through the inheritance system; It even seems that he got outstanding results in his training mission. This is weird, clearly I was assigned to this man with bad intentions; So why does he seem like he’s an excellent hunter candidate.

Reading the last part of the file I found the problem, the evaluation of the candidate’s personality says the following: The subject presents an extremely reckless behavior, with a lack of seriousness in situations that put his life at risk; almost causing his own death at least once. He also presents some type of personality disorder yet to be diagnosed that led him to carry out a brutal massacre against other humans; Due to the circumstances, it was determined that these humans were worthy of a death sentence, so Desmond Astryd’s actions did not disqualify him as a candidate. In addition to the attitude and personality displayed, Desmond Astryd is believed to be a ladies man with little self-control with the opposite sex.

′′ You cannot be serious, they assigned me to a suicidal and homicidal idiot with a personality disorder; to finish he is a womanizer with little self-control. . . What the hell am I going to do? ′′

(Currently Elaisa POV)

I was quite nervous when I met Mr. Astryd or should I just call him Desmond now, because of everything I had read in the file, I knew that he was a capable man, but with serious personality problems; Try to be as courteous and friendly as possible, hoping that would make things easier. But it seems that it was unnecessary, everything went quite well, besides the fact that he did indeed flirt with me a bit; nothing else happened. And if I’m honest with myself, when a man this handsome makes a compliment about something that complex me for so long; it feels great.

For a moment I thought that something had gone wrong with the evaluation process because what was written in it did not seem to reflect on Desmond, but that was until the formalities and the introductory information presentation was over. As Desmond went through the serum strengthening process, I began to review his combat records kept in the hunter’s book with his permission.

I must say that I was surprised, his combat skills were quite high, he knew how to use his weapons and exploit the weak points of her opponents. he used the right method at the right time against the right opponent. It is not every day that you see a human being engage in hand-to-hand combat with magical beasts of his level; much less do it against a beast that specializes in close combat and is of a higher level.

Watching him hunt down his prey efficiently and calmly, the way he went from a carefree boy to a ferocious beast in combat; it was really exciting to watch. I could feel my heartbeat faster as I watched him execute one kill after another, that he’s so handsome and manly doesn’t help.

But soon I began to notice problems, the way he fought seemed reckless; I mean his movements were perfectly executed and were certainly lethal, but at times it seemed like he didn’t care if he got hurt in the process of combat. Also note that unless things got really dangerous, he was prone to not taking things seriously.

And then I witnessed the most disturbing thing about Desmond Astryd, which was mentioned near the end of his report; personality disorder. When he saw what those bastards did to the fairy, he seemed to lose his mind for a moment; Not only did he kill each of those men, he even tortured each of them and made sure their deaths were brutal.

The way he asked the last man if he was sorry, just before breaking his neck; it gave me chills. Then he mumbled something that was not registered, probably because he said it is too low a tone; And then he seemed to go into a nervous breakdown or something like that. The data in the notebook shows that the mental breakdown that he had at that time put his life at risk, what the hell did it have to happen to someone like Desmond Astryd for the subsequent trauma to cause these kinds of sequelae?

Things improved a lot after I formed the symbiotic contract with the fairy, who apparently was not dead; It is strange that the information regarding the fairy did not appear in the association’s records. I felt a bit guilty but I still went through some of the non-combat-related logged content and found the reason why Desmond seemed to shift and stabilize a bit after that event.

The fairy seemed to have some kind of calming effect on Desmond’s mental condition and served as a kind of emotional anchor, even if Desmond had a relapse, which now seems unlikely; the fairy apparently named Kyuru could help him.

After seeing Desmond’s final combat records, the excitement came back to me; Despite becoming more cautious and serious in the way he did things, Desmond still gave that wild, masculine impression while he hunted. God, why is he so handsome?

In the end, I came to a conclusion regarding the man named Desmond Astryd: He was an extremely talented hunter with great potential, the evaluation regarding his personality was quite skewed and the problems that he has; They should be able to be treated over time. At the end of the day Desmond Astryd is just a man and no one can blame him for not being perfect or having trauma with his past; I myself can identify a little with that. Although the issue of whether or not he is a dangerous womanizer remains to be seen; I think I’m lucky that he is my partner.

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