
Chapter 589

For some reason, Claire’s words and the mention of that hateful Celestial race had put Kryzsha in a bad mood. Now, all the self-proclaimed goddess of the mountain wanted was to be pampered to death by her stone maidens. To forget all your problems.

It didn’t take long for Kryzsha to return, not with her absurd flight speed. Quickly, at their Master’s request, the stone maidens began to pamper and care for Kryzsha. However, that annoyance didn’t go away. It was like having a thorn stuck in her heart, one that had been there for too long.

“I guess you haven’t forgotten yet.” A voice snapped Kryzsha out of her melancholy thoughts.

For a moment, the majestic creature trembled, unable to believe what she was hearing. That voice sounded so familiar, so nostalgic, it was a voice that Kryzsha would never be able to forget in this life, but that voice shouldn’t be something she could hear. Turning around, she was there just as Kryzsha remembered her, except she didn’t usually have that pair of pink wings wrapped around her waist.

A mixture of longing, sadness, and deep hatred washed over Kryzsha’s heart like the tide. Enduring the wrenching pain that tormented her heart, Kryzsha spoke with a voice filled with complex feelings. “How could I forget what they did to you, Myrilla?”

The angel of love looked at the majestic creature for a second and responded with a strangely tired voice. “I understand your pain, hate, and longing, but this is not a love you should hold on to. Your Myrilla died a long time ago, and you know it.”

Like the eruption of a volcano, Kryzsha’s anger was fierce, hot, and sudden. With a roar filled with hate and bloodlust, Kryzsha slammed one of her claws into the ground, shaking the entire mountain. “You think I don’t know? Those bastards, disgusting and pretentious humans, lowly hypocrites who could not bear to see my beloved Myrilla escape from their despicable clutches. If possible, I would annihilate their kingdom again just to calm my anger. Their deaths were too quick and not painful enough.”

“What good has revenge brought you?” Argued the angel of love, though she knew Kryzsha would never listen to reason.


“Would forgiveness do anything for me? At least I can take solace in knowing those bastards got what they deserved.” Kryzsha rebutted with scorn and hatred.

Myrilla already expected that kind of answer; this was not the first time that both had this same discussion. “This is not what Myrilla would have wanted.” Even though she knew it was a dangerous move, the angel of love still tried to mention that woman Kryzsha was clinging to.

Kryzsha was about to explode, but she managed to contain her anger. She did not want to destroy this mountain as she had done with the previous ones; Furthermore, she was afraid of harming her stone maidens.

In the end, Kryzsha still expressed herself as she gritted her teeth. “You said it yourself; my Myrilla is dead. She is no longer here to wish for anything; all I have left is my hatred, pain, and longing for her. You are nothing more than a shadow, a ghost of the woman I loved, you may look like her, but you will never be her, so don’t you dare speak on her behalf.”

The angel of love, as wise and ancient as she was, was helpless against Kryzsha, someone who had met her former self when she was still a mortal. The bonds of love were somewhat complicated; the angel of love knew that better than anyone. It was quite ironic she didn’t know how to deal with the only bond of love that tied her to someone else.

“This is not how love should be.” Myrilla finally said, though the way she said it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself.

With a burst of light, Kryzsha revealed a form she had not used in too long, a human form, beautiful and transcendent, with orange eyes and opalescent hair. In her human form, Kryzsha could directly compete in beauty with Katya or Titania without fear of defeat, but hatred had warped her facial expressions.

“I won’t let you or anyone else tell me what love is supposed to be like. She and I loved each other; she was my world, my everything, but they took her from me, and why? All because they crossed out our love as forbidden. Those bastards thought they had the right to tell us that our love was unholy, and when we refused to obey, they killed her.”

The angel of love remained silent; she did not remember the events of the past. At the end of the day, she was a Celestial born from the tragedy that happened to the real Myrilla; calling her a ghost was already being generous to her. It was truly a cruel joke of fate that it was love that defined the life of the real Myrilla, which ended up defining the Celestial that was born from her.

From a certain point of view, Myrilla, the angel of love, was the daughter of the real Myrilla and Kryzsha. She was the product of the love of both women. There was no such thing as having parents for a Celestial, but it was hard for the angel of love to simply treat Kryzsha as an outsider.

Subconsciously, Kryzsha also had trouble dealing with the angel of love for the same reasons. Kryzsha’s heart ached with indescribable pain every time she saw the familiar figure of Myrilla, aware that she was not the woman she had loved. However, Kryzsha knew enough about the true nature of the Angel of Love that it was difficult for her to deal harshly with this woman born of her love for the real Myrilla.

Tired of this argument they had had a dozen times, Kryzsha asked the angel of love the same question she always did. “Is love really that good? It has brought me nothing but pain.”

What could Myrilla do besides defend the very foundation of her existence? “Would you rather never have known and loved her?”

Getting the same answer as always, Kryzsha smiled wryly, she really didn’t expect anything to be different this time. No longer willing to play along with the charade, Kryzsha responded, just as she always had. “I would rather have saved her.”

Although Kryzsha’s statement was the equivalent of telling the angel of love that she wished she had never been born, Myrilla was not offended. She understood Kryzsha’s wish better than anyone.

How many times had they argued like this? The angel of love could not remember. Kryzsha had been there during the birth of the angel of love and the death of the real Myrilla. To say that their relationship was complicated was an understatement.

This time, however, Myrilla would not let things stay that way. With the war between the Order and Chaos faction heating up, Myrilla was determined to unravel this knot of her past should she fall in battle. The last thing she wanted was to leave another scar of love and tragedy on Kryzsha with her death.

Kryzsha thought that, as on previous occasions, once she returned to her draconic form and turned around, Myrilla would no longer be there. Yet, this time she was bound to be disappointed.

Displaying the same graceful mannerisms and quirks that plagued Kryzsha’s memories, Myrilla found a place to sit before being attended to by the stone maidens.

For a moment, Kryzsha felt as if she had gone back in time when things were simpler when that naive girl found her lost in the woods and brought her home. Kryzsha always thought it funny that a human girl would try to teach a dragon manners and etiquette, but she complied due to her fondness for the child.

It was thus like a true dragon, a being of absolute power and chaos; it was gradually turned into a lazy and vain lady who acted like a spoiled princess. It had been so long since that naive girl was gone, but Kryzsha hadn’t changed. At this point, even she didn’t know if she really liked being the way she was or if she did it so she could hold on to the memories of that naive girl.

Clarity returned to Kryzsha’s eyes; in the end, no matter how much she resembled her beloved, Kryzsha refused to let her memories get mixed up. Unsure of what the angel of love was attempting, Kryzsha voiced her discomfort with some caution. “What are you still doing here?”

Since things had gotten to this point, why wouldn’t she be shameless? Pretending that she wasn’t the one who started it all in the first place, Myrilla expressed her intentions.

Myrilla spoke about keeping an eye on Claire and the rest of the girls’ noble mission to protect Miao Xiauyue and Mei Fei Long during their wedding.

Had she been able to think straight, Kryzsha would have realized how ridiculous the angel of love’s excuse was. With how ridiculously strong those two women were, did they even need someone to protect them?

Kryzsha could tell something felt off, but she couldn’t quite tell what it was. Seeing that Kryzsha was growing suspicious, Myrilla decided to play her ace up the sleeve. “Wouldn’t it be too ridiculous if the love between those two girls ended in tragedy?

Though Myrilla didn’t say it, the implied meaning was something Kryzsha couldn’t ignore. The similarities were simply too obvious for the dragon to ignore. A forbidden love that ended in tragedy due to the greed and malice of third parties. Put that way, Kryzsha no longer cared about the feeling that she was being manipulated. Kryzsha’s heart had already transferred some of her feelings to the situation of Mei Fei Long and Miao Xiauyue.

Seeing that Kryzsha was no longer saying anything, letting her stay in the cave, Myrilla sighed with relief. Myrilla was afraid that so much planning would come to nothing, but that didn’t seem to be the case, at least for now. “I just hope those girls give us a good show, at least good enough for Kryzsha to keep going.”

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