
Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Kyon made sure that the damned couple had gone far enough and closed his eyes in pain. It was sheer torture! His face was burning with intolerable, excruciating pain. His head was killing him. Large blisters emerged on the skin. His eyebrows and eyelashes had all burned out. Yegorka had taken one swing, but it was enough to injure Kyon pretty bad. If he weren’t who he was, he could have said goodbye to his handsome face for the rest of his life. However, thanks to Synergy and healing ointment, he would recover in a day.

{Alright, bitch… You will pay me for that… You will answer for everything you’ve done.} – Kyon thought angrily and dialed Juno again. It was extremely dangerous to order her to throw Yegorka out while he was still around. That’s why Kyon had sent them away to protect himself, and now he was ready to give the order.

Juno had somehow managed to outwit her subconscious and his formation. Kyon was furious. He had never doubted his formation. No one in the world could deceive it. Juno’s subconscious mind wouldn’t have allowed her to imagine things. The formation was above the consciousness, ruling out any tricks. But for some reason, it did not work. Anyway, it was too risky to create a new formation as he would have to remove the present one, and it would be the end of the road for him if the next formation didn’t work.

«Lady Juno, we need to talk. Please, get away from Yegorka.»

The word “please” was equal to “I order you.” That’s why she had to comply with his cunning orders, and no one suspected a thing.

«All right.» – Juno looked innocently at her blond friend. She told him she had to leave him for a moment, and he stayed in the empty room, alone and confused. Then Juno had to put the sound transmitter to her ear against her will.

Kyon sounded confident:

«Please, order your maids to break Yegorka’s arm and throw him out of the mansion. Also, order the guards NEVER to let him in again!»

«I-I will.» – Junol’s voice trembled. She went downstairs to execute the order.

Less than two minutes later, Yegorka was thrown out of the mansion like a dirty beggar. He was screaming in hellish pain, his arm twisted at a grotesque angle. It was Dinah’s work, of course. The shocked boy did not understand why they had done it to him. He yelled, his eyes full of tears:

«Juno! I did not do anything! Forgive me! Ahhh! Let me in! Ahhh!»

The absurdity of the situation did not fit in Yegorka’s head. Judging by Juno’s calm reaction, the slave didn’t lie, he did pass the test. It’s just… Why did the asshole mention a fiancé? And what did she want to give to him? The jerk had double-crossed him, outwitted him! Did he fail the test, after all? It all sounded different from the slave’s foul mouth! He must have said it just to save his life. But still… It was weird… It all didn’t add up…

Yegorka didn’t blame Juno. The charming girl won his heart with her beauty and intelligence when he was a child. Her actions were reasonable and justified. She was witty… It was the slave to blame for everything.

Yegorka couldn’t think straight in pain, and yet some thoughts sounded loud and clear: {It’s all because of him! I will kill you, smelly goat!}

It was below his dignity to leave with his head down, so Yegorka kept yelling, appealing to the good in Juno:

«Juno! I beg you, my little angel! Please let me in! Aah… I’m in pain… Juno, I’m sorry! Please, let me in!» – He was screaming because the broken arm hurt like hell, and at the same time, he was burning to know why they had mistreated him. No one had ever treated him like that. Only his beloved Juno was allowed to do that. There was an abyss between them. Her 1st rank stood high above his defective 3rd rank.

Kyon could hear his loud pleas. He became concerned that Yegorka might say too much and, as a result, Anna and Dinah would suspect that something was wrong. Another call to Juno and the guards received an order to beat Yegorka to a pulp and throw him away from the mansion.

«Arr… Why? Ahhh! Juno! Why? I’m so sorry!» – Yegorka couldn’t stop yelling, and the big guys couldn’t stop beating him up.

Kyon could have ordered Juno to tell the guards to finish the screamer off. Yegorka had burnt his face and almost killed him, after all. However, Juno’s blond friend had unintentionally saved him twice. The alleged debt had been paid. Besides, the murder could attract too much attention. Yegorka was no elder’s son, but still, he was a promising genius in the Stone family.

The guards battered him until he lost consciousness. Then his limp carcass was thrown into a dumpster two blocks down like a bag of rotten potatoes. It was useless to resist. The guards were powerful and strong. Snot-nosed kids like Yegorka couldn’t hold a candle to them.

The last thing Yegorka thought before he lost consciousness was: {Slave… It’s all your fault… I’ll kill you whatever it takes…}

Yegorka needed to find the culprit. His beautiful Juno had absolutely nothing to do with all that. She was a kind, sweet, charming girl with noble manners and upbringing.

Kyon was in a foul mood when he called Juno again and ordered her to bring him several tubes of the best healing ointment. He didn’t want the maids to see his mutilated face because his subsequent miraculous healing would raise unnecessary questions. There existed no medicine that could restore his appearance to 100%.

Juno entered the training ground. She was in the same gray skirt, blouse, and sandals. Only, the unfortunate conspirator was deathly pale now, pressing her back to the gate, scared out of her wits.

«P-please, master, d-d-don’t! I did not want you to get hurt! Please, forgive me. I’m so sorry! It all happened so suddenly! Yegorka… He is a real maniac! I didn’t know that he would want to kill you for no reason! Please, master… I beg you, don’t hurt me… I can’t take it anymore…»

Kyon looked calm and dispassionate, giving Juno a chilling look that didn’t bode well. Deep inside, he was amazed. What a sly fox! How skillfully she was pretending to be an innocent lamb! Who taught her to play games? He didn’t see any drama coaches around. However, his common sense saw through her: she would never behave like that in front of someone she despised with all her heart.

«Yes, indeed. You did not want me to get crippled. You only wanted me to get killed. I got the message! Give me the ointment before I lose it and beat you to death.»

Juno timidly approached the disfigured victim of her unsuccessful plan.

«You don’t have to beat me! You told me that you would not punish me until you defeat me in a fair fight! And… I’m really sorry!» – Tears were flowing from her eyes that shone with genuine repentance. No one could tell if those were fake tears.

Kyon snatched the tube from her hands and helped himself to its contents, generously botching the ointment on his face. He looked like hell. His face was in watery blisters. The skin was red and inflamed, with burned flesh seen at places.

The gentle chill of the ointment passed over his face. It was an amazingly refreshing feeling. Kyon analyzed the effect and concluded that he would recover faster than expected. By the evening, he would have healed!

He breathed a sigh of relief and then frowned at Juno. She lowered her head, feeling guilty, drawing with the tip of her shoe on the floor. A masterpiece of acting, no other way to put it. But they both knew too well that she couldn’t care less for him. She was sincerely hoping that he would die at Yegorka’s hands like a dog. Of course, Kyon understood why she had done it, but any attempt to finish him off would get his unfortunate killer well-deserved retribution. When Lovr was the lord of humanity, he called it the principle of Deliberate, Exhaustive, Absolute, Debt repayment. DEAD for short. It worked without a hitch.

«Juno, you did something very wrong today…» – The sly girl “guiltily” raised her eyes already filled with tears – «…and deserve severe punishment, but I am not going to beat you…» – After this news, the tearful face slightly twisted. Her eyebrows crawled somewhere in the direction of her forehead – «…while you can’t move. But I will beat you up properly, allowing you to defend yourself. I will even let you use all the elements without restrictions. This time, my punishment will be fair, and at the same time fucking humiliating, because it will not only convince you of your mediocrity, you will be mortified fair and square, hehehehe.»

Juno couldn’t help laughing in response. She sincerely rejoiced at her unpredictable master’s next whim.

«You are so naive and stupid… I made it clear yesterday that you are an unworthy opponent, and I didn’t even use all my power. And today, you decided to fight with me, allowing me to use all the elements? Ha-ha-ha! You will leave me in stitches!»

Not a trace of guilt was left on her sly face. Juno was radiating with her usual arrogance and disregard.

Kyon grinned wickedly and gave her another dozen restrictive orders before they began.

«I order you to attack me without weapons or any other objects. I allow you to use any elements for your attack.» – It was time to humiliate the little piece of trash so hard that she would be afraid to look him in the eyes. And when her spirit was broken, it would be a snap to train her into his obedient bitch.

Juno couldn’t hold back her smile, anticipating her victory. She rushed headlong towards him.

Kyon decided that he wouldn’t waste his energy on practicing the movement technique. In the previous battle, he got exhausted faster than Juno because he wanted to create his own technique and because of the mental attack, too. Now his primary goal was to win, humiliate, crush and punish her.

The two worst enemies struck each other with their fists.


Juno flashed purple lightning towards his hand. The recoil threw her expectedly back, her fist buzzing in pain. But the discharge would shake the asshole well and bring her immediate victory! At least, she was counting on it.

However, Kyon looked as cool as a cucumber. The spark that had pierced his fist did not disturb him at all. He struck back with a counter-attack.

Juno frowned in confusion and struck him with her fists again, this time with some apprehension.


She couldn’t see straight in pain, her little fist completely numb. {Why is he so calm? Why is he moving so fast? Yegorka must have boiled the rest of his brains! I’m striking him with lightning, after all! He should be already writhing in agony on the floor, asking me for mercy! What’s the matter with him?} – These thoughts were desperately spinning in her head.


After the third clash, Juno let out a painful squeal and bounced aside. She had difficulty folding her hand into a fist. A couple more blows and she would be seriously damaged.

The impassive demon did not even blink an eye. His chilling gaze searched her face. And then it dawned on her: the ends of his hair did not stand on end! Her attacks had never reached the goal!

Kyon gave her a crooked grin. The stupid girl figured it out at last: the lightning did him no harm!

It was his turn to attack. Juno had instantly entered the mode of heightened vigilance, trying to understand what had happened, cautious like a cat hunting a cunning mouse. Her pretty face turned a little pale, the wrinkled forehead indicated the intensified brainstorming. The speed of her enemy was the same, as well as his cultivation stage. However, the lightning couldn’t break through him. What if… She decided to confirm her guess.

Juno balanced her body with the help of the wind. Her attacks became more unpredictable, and in the end, she managed to hit his relatively vulnerable spot.


And again, his hair did not stand on end.

{It can’t be… The lightning resistance? He is just in the first stage! I don’t understand! He can’t have the barrier!} – Juno was completely confused, her mind in the search for the answers to the endless questions that tormented her.

Kyon chuckled mischievously. His terrible, disfigured face and black clothes added to his demonic look. He could tell that Juno was anxious about the defeat she was facing. She was afraid that he would win and make her pay for everything she had done. Well, she should be afraid…

He would have lost in a fair fight yesterday without the skills of electrical resistance. But today, his insulating barrier blocked 99% of Juno’s discharge, an incredible advantage against the ether element. He wondered if anyone in this world had any protection from electricity. Was he really one of a kind?

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