
Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Kyon looked like a demon when he made a swift, sudden attack. Juno was the spitting image of a charming angel as she dodged his blows with a significant advantage in speed due to the wind element.

Her opponent was almost twice slower, and yet she couldn’t understand why it was so difficult for her to defeat him. It finally dawned on her… The monster had excellent movement skills.

{What is the level of his battle fist? I can’t believe that the piece of trash is better than master Jean!} – Juno was arrogant, but she was no blind fool. She had to admit the bitter truth: her movements improved after the slave had given her a good thrashing, not because master Jean had trained her well! Juno had been unwittingly copying Kyon’s style. It was insulting to admit that she had learned from the slave… It was equal to admitting that he was better than her, and Juno would never accept that.

She stopped unnecessary and harmful thoughts about the slave’s supernatural talents, desperately trying to deliver a fatal blow with lightning. Soon, she came up with a reasonable idea to leave aside the ether and focus on the wind, the element that she hadn’t used yet.

Juno approached Kyon at arm’s length (otherwise, it wouldn’t work) and launched at him wind blades with a graceful wave of her hand.

The wind blades could scratch a few millimeters deep. The slave had a choice to admit his defeat or be cut into shreds. It was time to send a message to the arrogant dastard!

Kyon squinted his eyes. It took him some effort to distinguish air turbulence around Juno, which didn’t bode well. He stretched his arm, covered with the ether barrier.

Juno was anxious to see the hated enemy bleed, but the blades touched the translucent film and evaporated without a trace, leaving the slave unscathed.

Juno’s large, emerald eyes nearly popped out of her head.


Kyon took advantage of Juno’s momentary confusion and struck her in the chest with a powerful electrically charged blow, whose impact was equal to the blast of the 9th stage. She wouldn’t recover from it anytime soon.


Juno saw the stars when she received the powerful electric shock, her body twitching in uncontrollable convulsions. She almost forgot her name.

Kyon wasn’t going to give in. He wanted to knock Juno off her feet and triumph over her.

He tripped her up but missed. Juno had recovered with inhuman speed and dodged with a backward roll. She was still trembling, her body out of control, her ears ringing. She couldn’t wrap her head around what had just happened.

Kyon attacked again, but Juno used her advantage in speed and retreated.

{Too bad… It was a good one!} – Kyon was disappointed in himself.

Juno pointed out her accusing, trembling finger:

«You… You can’t bend the ether! It can’t be!»

Kyon cornered her slowly but surely. She looked frazzled and battered but still adorable.

«What are you talking about?»

Juno shook her head in disbelief.

«You can’t! A lowlife scum like you can’t bend two elements! Not the ether! Where did you… How can you possibly use lightning? And why was your discharge so powerful? Tell me!»

«Shut your dirty mouth, bitch. Wasn’t it your idea that slaves have no right to ask questions and speak without permission? It’s high time I cut you down to size, my pathetic slave! Just accept that you are an insignificant mediocrity and admit that your magnificent master is much more talented and stronger than you. Then I might spare you and won’t beat you that hard.»

«NO!» – The loser screamed almost hysterically. Her world had burst again like a soap bubble pierced with a sharp needle. Her master couldn’t bend the ether yesterday, but today she had to learn the hard way that he actually could.

Kyon had finally cornered her. She tried to get tricky and escape, but he grabbed her by the long flowing hair, pulling it a little too hard. He had caught this smart, cunning little bird at last.

Juno let out a mournful squeak like a naughty kitten taken by the scruff of the neck. Her legs couldn’t reach the floor. All in all, she looked harmless, pitiful, and yet so cute.

«LET ME GO!» – Juno screamed, re-launching the wind blades and trying to scratch his face with her nails.

Kyon easily fended off the attack with a careless wave of his hand. He grabbed her fist, giving it a powerful current discharge. She had to pay for her audacity and useless resistance.


Juno’s body shook in convulsions again, dangling in his hands. Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes and ran down her pale, almost white with pain and terror, cheeks. The bloody demon scared her like no one else in her entire short life. Was she really so pathetic? What about her dream to win over her sister? Was everything for nothing?

Kyon kept sending discharge after discharge until her hands went limp. Then he threw her onto the floor, sat right on her knees, and hit her hard into the chest. Juno coughed hoarsely.

«Did I tell you that you are nothing but miserable mediocrity? I did. And now for my favorite part: punishing you for trying to kill me!»

«P-please, don’t hurt me… I was not ready… It’s not fair!» – Juno mumbled in protest, but Kyon was steadfast. He beat her on and on. Sharp pain spread throughout her whole body like fireworks. Juno was going through hell again… He didn’t order her to stay still, she was still because of her weakness… She was weaker than him, after all.

Juno tried to cover her most vulnerable places with her hands, but the ruthless monster moved them apart and continued his torture. She was hurt, but it was pure agony to accept the fact that she had lost to someone who was two stages weaker and twice slower than her. He had suppressed her as if she were a pathetic, worthless commoner… How could it possibly be happening?

«Admit that I am your master. Say that I am stronger and more talented than you. Then I will stop.» – Kyon was kind enough to give her a chance to stop the torture. He might be dying to get his revenge, but he wanted to rehabilitate her first. Things would get easier if she bent under pressure.

But Juno just lay there silent, covering herself.

Kyon frowned and continued his dirty work.

Juno cried and moaned quietly under the influence of his order. She was about to faint, shaking, her limbs cramping. She was struggling to cover her body with her hands. Her eyes were painfully closed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Kyon was like an insane, sadistic executioner. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and was about to continue when he suddenly noticed that Juno wasn’t moving or covering herself anymore… Her eyes were open. She was staring at him carefully and intently without a shadow of fear. The desire for revenge, the bloodthirst, the ferocity were glowing in her bright green eyes.

Kyon shuddered. He hit her a couple more times, but she didn’t move. She hadn’t broken down… Juno had realized that he was rejoicing at her sufferings and forbade herself to resist.

{Is she… Is she human?} – Kyon was once again amazed at the will of this sly girl. She was taking his blows, without a flinch, without any reaction at all. Human beings wouldn’t be like that… Her behavior might be logical and reasonable if she were morally broken, but her eyes were burning with life, genuine hatred, and an urge to fight to the very end.

Kyon pounded the ground next to her face in a fit of anger.

«Have you gone crazy? Just say: “I am weaker than you, sir. Please do not beat me anymore. I will be an obedient slave.” And I will immediately stop beating you!»

She didn’t reply. Kyon stood up, put his foot imperiously on her chest, and slightly pressed it. He wanted to smash the high-born lady’s cherished pride.

«I can’t hear you.»

Juno remained silent. She didn’t even flinch. Then she slowly opened her lips and uttered a barely audible response, whispering three words:

«Just die, please…»

Kyon ran his fingers through his hair, perplexed. He was staring in shock at his indomitable stubborn slave. {Crazy girl, you… are reckless.}

Juno wearily closed her eyes and turned away. She did not want to see this ugly vermin anymore. He could beat her all he wanted. From now on, she wouldn’t say a word until she died.

Suddenly, she felt a weird wet touch on her bare neck. To her horror, Juno realized that Kyon had planted his repulsive lips on her.

«Аа-а-а-а-а-аh! No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!» – Juno, who was so calm before, screamed in disgust and pushed the “mosquito” with her foot, lightning-fast.

Kyon had been so mesmerized by her unusual behavior that he decided to get a taste of her will. Unexpectedly, she fought back, surprising him yet again.

Juno squatted and backed away, looking at Kyon in animal fear.

«Don’t you dare! I’ll kill myself if you do that again! And I’ll take you along!» – The young lady struggled to her feet and staggered back, faster this time. She felt her way to the gates with trembling hands, opened them and ran to the mansion. To be more precise, she quietly walked away, obeying Kyon’s order. Her heart was beating frantically. She couldn’t calm down the turmoil building inside of her. A lowborn slave had kissed her in the neck! Her life was no different from the trash in the slums.

Kyon helplessly scratched his head, not even trying to stop her. Something told him if he continued sexual pressure (and it seemed to be the only thing that worked on her), she would break down. Not to the point he wished, though. She would turn into a spineless puppet with cut-off strings.

Kyon assumed that his kiss was worse for her than a knife in the heart. His “honest” beating didn’t affect Juno, but an innocent kiss had almost destroyed her. He doubted she would ever seek to kill him again if she was so afraid of being raped.

Kyon sighed sadly. {Probably, if she treated me as an equal, I would make her my girlfriend.}

Meanwhile, Juno returned to her chambers and flopped onto the soft pillows. Tears were pouring down her cheeks. She could feel a thorn in her heart. He had kissed her on the neck… Her noble essence had been desecrated. He had beaten her in a fair fight. She was a mediocrity, after all.

Gradually, the pain had overlapped the feeling of disgust and self-pity. She could feel only hellish, unbearable, excruciating pain.

Juno carefully removed her blouse and was horrified by what she saw. Her chest, stomach, and sides were black and blue all over. The pain was so intense that her body was numb. It was the only reason she wasn’t crawling on the floor, stifling her moans.

With a trembling hand, she took a tube of ointment out of her spatial ring and put some on her finger to treat her injuries. She was still sick at heart, but she never stopped muttering to herself with murderous determination:

«I will kill this monster no matter what… He will die the most brutal death…»

Her heart ached with pity for her crippled body. She had always been proud of her figure, her wasp waist, neat boobs, and slender legs. But now her body depressed her with the ugly blue and bloody-red pattern of bruises and abrasions. It would take days to cure the injuries with the ointment. Besides, there were old wounds that hadn’t healed properly. Her healing would drag on, accompanied by pain and anguish. Damned slave… What did she do to bring him upon herself?

The tube of ointment ended too quickly. Juno was about to go to the treatment room when she gritted her teeth in anger. The cage of orders forbade her to raise any suspicion. She had already taken the ointment for the “master.” Her subconscious wouldn’t allow her to take any more.

She was going to suffer in agony even longer than she had imagined… All because of him. She hated the name Kyon to the depths of her soul. Juno sadly curled up in bed, gently hugging her legs, trying to sort her thoughts out. Things were getting worse and worse. But…

Juno would never give up.

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